Recycled Cardboard Quiz

Hello. My name is Carlos. Carlos Cardboard. There is nothing in the world I love more than cardboard. I simply cannot get enough of it. And even though I love it so, I love recycling it even more. Which admittedly is ironic, but whatever. If you love recycling as much as I do, this test will prove that the rules for recycling cardboard are quite simple.
Start the Quiz!Question 1
Flattening cardboard is a terrible idea because it mars the otherwise perfect beauty of a well-formed cardboard box.
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Answer: False
Flattening cardboard is a great idea. It increases the efficiency of the recycling process for you, the recycling hauler and the recycling center.
Next Question!Question 2
Stickers or labels must be removed from cardboard prior to recycling.
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Answer: D
Stickers or labels are fine.
Next Question!Question 3
Pizza boxes can be recycled. Even the ones with grease and bits of tasty cheese still stuck to them.
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Answer: False
Cardboard or pizza boxes with food residue or grease stains must not be recycled. You can always rip off the clean top and recycle it.
Next Question!Question 4
Which of the following statements is true about refrigerated food packaging, like frozen food boxes?
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Answer: C
It’s not impossible to recycle refrigerated food packaging. Check with your local service provider to learn if you can recycle it in your community.
Next Question!Question 5
What’s the best thing to do with cardboard juice and milk cartons?
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Answer: D
Check with your local provider to make sure it accepts them. You don’t need to worry about flattening them.
Next Question!Question 6
Which of the following shipping boxes are recyclable?
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Answer: D
All of the above. But make sure those boxes are flattened, and try to remove that tape if you can.
Next Question!Question 7
Items kept in boxes that DO NOT require refrigeration – like cereal boxes – should NOT be recycled.
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Answer: False
Paperboard or boxboard – breakfast cereal, cracker boxes, tissue boxes, etc. – should always be recycled, unless the food required refrigeration. Refer back to question 4. (That was a pretty confusing question. Sorry about that. But hey, it IS a quiz. – Sincerely, Carlos)
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