The rules for the other category are right here and not like the others.

Things that don’t fit in the plastic, glass, metal, paper or cardboard category. Frank specializes in batteries, rope, paint, clothes, mattresses and many other things.

Batteries should never go in your curbside recycling. Many cities have special drop-off collection points for common household batteries like AA and AAA. Other types of batteries – like for computers and cars – have different processes to be recycled. Read about it here.

Styrofoam™ or Plastic Foam
Styrofoam, aka plastic foam, is not recyclable curbside. It requires a special process to be recycled into a new product. There are specific drop-off locations that will accept plastic foam. Check for a nearby location here. If none is available, throw it away.

Household Hazardous Waste
Check the Michigan Recycling Directory and Local Household Hazardous Waste Collection for the collection of household materials like paint, oil, clothes, mattresses and more.

Food Residue
Food doesn’t belong in the recycling bin. All recyclable materials should be rinsed and emptied to reduce food residue.

Rope, Twine and Wire
Rope, twine and wire cannot be recycled at local recycling centers — they clog machinery (tanglers).

Needles, Syringes and Other Sharps
Needles, syringes and other sharp objects need to be dropped off for everyone’s safety. Find a location now or contact your Local Household Hazardous Waste Collection.

Electronics don’t belong in your curbside recycling, but they can be recycled! Check with the manufacturer, local recycling events, recycling companies specializing in electronics or electronics retailers like Best Buy and Staples.

Don’t place any type of lightbulb in a curbside recycling bin or cart. All lightbulbs contain a mix of glass and metal that make them harder to recycle.
Some drop-off recycling collection centers collect various types of lightbulbs. It’s OK to place incandescent and LED lights in the trash if they’re spent. CFL lights – often the twisty bulb ones – contain a small amount of mercury and should be dropped off for proper handling to prevent mercury from getting into the land and water. Many recycling drop-off centers, local governments and retailers like Home Depot and Lowe’s will have CFL collection spots.
String lights like Christmas lights are not recyclable curbside – they’re tanglers that get caught in the sorting machinery. Retailers and some drop-off recycling locations will collect them, often in December and January.

String Lights
String lights cannot be recycled through curbside programs — they clog machinery (tanglers). However, many areas throughout Michigan have drop-off sites for string lights. Check with your local recycler to locate your nearest drop-off site.
Test Your Knowledge

What Frank is listening to
Life isn’t always about recycling. It’s about life – hanging out with your raccoon friends, napping in attic spaces, rummaging through dumpsters, engaging in nocturnal capers and, of course, obsessing about recycling. But no matter how you live your life, you need cool music to go with it.